

When the taxi medallion crumbled, Ed found means to get active and healthy.

Hi, my name is Ed

My husband and I both made a living driving taxis. We counted on my taxi medallion to keep supporting us in retirement. Unfortunately, with the decline of the taxi industry, the taxi medallion is no longer something we can count on for our future.

Luckily, the local senior center provides me with meals I can afford and, more importantly, exercise classes for people my age. The classes have been life-changing, improving my health and eliminating my reliance on expensive medications.

None of this would be possible without the center’s affordable gym access and fitness support, along with its help in making the right dietary decisions. Here, I work out with people my age and support staff who ensure I don’t get hurt. I also receive assistance in choosing the foods that will keep me healthy.

My doctor told me to stop taking all my diabetes and high blood pressure medications. He says I don’t need them anymore and attributes it to the exercise and dietary changes that were the direct result of the services I get at the senior center.

I would not live in a city or country that did not have this type of support available. It’s been a lifesaver.

Long-term services and supports along with the workforce required is a crucial part of our community keeping seniors healthy.

Without adequate funding and a well-trained workforce, the centers that provide long-term services and supports won’t be available to help future generations enjoy their later years. We need to make sure tomorrow’s Californians can Age On. AND Rage On. Get involved now.